How this blog works

Some of the entries were posted while we were on the trip, others are being added now that we're back. The Contents tab lists entries in chronological order of events, so that you can follow the trip through from start to finish, if you are so inclined.

The tabs below the header at the top of any page provide a quick way of navigating the site.

• if you're looking for something specific, or just browsing, you can go to the Contents tab

• to see the most recent postings, click on the blog title 'Merkavah 09' at the top of any page, or on the Current posts tab; the content of this page will change as new posts are put up

• at the end of a page of posts there is always a link to 'Older posts'

• the News and views tab has a few links to external sites that do not necessarily appear in individual posts

• if you get confused or a little bit lost, this How this blog works page also has a tab at the top

• another way of finding something specific is to scroll down the sidebar (on the right):
  • Blog Archive shows the Titles of all the posts in the blog, month by month, in reverse chronological order of posting (ie, earliest at the bottom)
  • Topics collects together all posts that have some relevance to that particular topic (if we've remembered to label them properly . . . )
To see a slideshow of photos relevant to a particular post, click on the photo at the head of the post, or on the word 'Slideshow' (clever, eh?).

We've also put a little slideshow in the sidebar, puerly for decorative purposes - at the moment it's showing some of our Jerusalem pictures.

The posts we sent up whilst we were in Israel were all based on photos taken with my mobile phone, which appeared to be the most convenient way to get it started. I sent these up from the phone to the Flickr photo site when we were somewhere with a Wifi connection, and added a brief comment. When I could get a few minutes on a computer I sent these Flickr pictures across to become posts in this blog. Now we're back we are gradually expanding and developing these posts, and adding other topics that didn't get posted at the time - sometimes because I just forgot to get the mobile out to take a quick snap!

Most of the posts have (or will have . . . ) links to a slideshow of the relevant set of our photos on Flickr, and to anything that crops up in the post that we think might be worth linking to.

We're currently busily sorting through and editing the photos we took on our cameras, and uploading them to Flickr. Mine can be seen in this Merkavah 09 Collection - click on a thumbnail to see the photos in that particular set. The link on a blog photo, or on the word 'Slideshow', will take you straight to a slideshow of that set of photos - you can click on a link from there to take you to the individual photos.

We both shot a number of video clips, particularly of dances, and these will eventually find their way online, probably on YouTube; some may also appear here in the blog.